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Handling Interview rejections 11.04.2019

You wore your new ‘’interview clothes’’ and cleared your schedule so that you can make it more convenient for the company to meet you. You made sure you arrived in their offices 15 minutes early and waited patiently for the interviewer to arrive. You made sure your body language was right, and you didn’t show your anxiety. You told them what they wanted to hear, and most importantly, you had the experience and knowledge they said they needed!

However, you still got rejected. This rejection hit your confidence hard, and you’re desperately trying to find the answer to ‘’why’’.



Unfortunately, very few companies provide feedback as to why they reject candidates, and this happens for many different reasons.

For example, the company may not be organized enough to have a process in place that ensures all candidates receive an answer, or they want to avoid candidates coming back and asking more and more questions related to the negative feedback they’ve given. Sometimes, it’s simply because you just didn’t do it for them, they do not think you can be a good fit for their team, or that you can add value to it and/or match their company culture. I know that all this can be quite difficult to handle and accept, but I’m sure that you wouldn’t want to work anywhere you don’t feel comfortable. In this case, they’re doing you a favor.

Whatever the reason may be, if you cannot get feedback, accept the rejection and move on.


Overanalyzing is your enemy:

You should always remember that overanalyzing the rejection will only knock your confidence down even more. You will torture your mind with a question that cannot be answered, wasting your time when you could be getting prepared for the next interview.

At the end of the day you cannot be sure about the reason, and it might have been one that was not related to you; such as the role was filled internally, or the recruitment process for that role stopped. Maybe your salary expectations were higher than their budget allowed, or you were over qualified and they felt that you would get bored very easily in the role. All these reasons are ones to save you from wasting time in a job that isn’t for you, so be glad that you didn’t land the job.


Don’t let negativity get to you:

Rejections are hard to handle in general. Especially when you’re rejected from a job while you urgently need one –  it can be stressful. When you get rejected by multiple companies in a row – that can be devastating.

Either way, this is all part of the process and you being rejected doesn’t mean you failed, it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.


You need to keep going : apply for jobs, attend interviews, and do your best to leave a good impression. If you let disappointment affect you and negativity take over, then you’ll carry that in the next interview you’ll attend, and believe me, a negative person is someone that no one wants on their team!